Revlon Commercial starring Actress Jessica Alba along w/ Illuminati/NWO Symbolism

From the first time I saw this sketchy commercial I just could resist blogging about it, hence the theme of this blog, which is contained in the heading herein. So here they are, along w/ my commentary below:




I know it's a bit excess to post all 3 of the same videos, but I think the comments below each over @ YouTube are quite interesting and are pretty telling about this video. I've also been planning on posting an entry here about the [above] commercial for quite some time... since the first time I saw it, of course because I recognised [recognized] the blantant Freemasonry/Illuminati Symbolism in it right away. If anyone wasn't away of this stuff then they would've thought that it was just another colourful, flashy cosmetic commercial advertising nail polish, lacquer or enamel. But I'm not stupid and can read between the lines, you know.

This just goes back to the my first official post here about the blatant [and constant] Freemason/Illuminati symbolism that appears in these cosmetic commercials [with popular brand names] advertising an array of beauty products like nail colour, facial foundation [whether in liquid, crème or powder form], eyeliner & eyeshadow, mascara [Italian translation for 'mask', which figuratively is used to either hide a person's true face or self, whether literally or figuratively, which is the (main) aim of cosmetic products], hair dyes, facial concealer, self-tanners, bronzers, lipsticks, lip glosses, etc.

Just what us common/ordinary everyday working-class women need... are adverts [UK word for ads or advertisments] telling us that we need to buy their pathetic, expensive & overpriced [although I'm pretty sure they're of good quality which is why they cost so much... in addition to them being a name-brand] products when we're better off spending our modest incomes & hard-earned on their mess.

There's more I could say about this, but I'll get on to the NWO (New World Order) symbolism in the commercial w/ A-list actress Jessica Alba [who I believe is MK'd (or mind controlled) but since that's not my subject for now I'll have to get on that later], who I believe is a marginally talented individual. She's cute, but I've seen women FAR more good-looking than her. Moreover I think she's overrated [and happened to get pregnant BEFORE she got married; virginity lost @ 19 years old], but IMO [it's my opinion]. Just goes to show that many of these folks have sold out to the entertainment industry [as well as to the Devil/Satan & Hollyweird's Illuminati elite] for all the success, fame, fortune, money & power they've obtained seemingly out of nowhere.


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