General Commentary by Yours Truly...

Hey there, folks... at least those of you who are listenin', anyhow.

I know it's been a while since I last posted, but I've had a number of issues, like fatigue, overall laziness, computer problems, getting the house painted by a few Spanish-speaking Mexícanos over a period of a coupla days, having a lot of cleaning up to do afterwards, catching a mild/moderate cold, general writer's [or should I say blogger's?] block, etc. Don't fret, tho'; I haven't abandoned this blog, nor to I plan to. Have way too much to say & share to do that. I also promised myself that I'd update this thing b/f this month was out -- even if it was w/ as lame a random (filler) post like this, just rantin' 'n' ravin' like this.

Have more Illuminati-themed commercials [advertising those expensive name-brand cosmetics I'd named in my post b/f the one about Jennifer Hudson] to post still yet, especially the latest {Maybelline?} one starring A-list actress Jessica Alba. The devil's fought me once again [mainly because he doesn't want the truth getting out] but thru much prayer, preserverance, vigilance and patience the Lord gives me the victory in the battles of this life, which serve to make me stronger, as bad as they are. That much I'm thankful for.

Won't be adding any tags to this post, mainly b/c I can't think of any at the moment. Moreover this is just an ordinary post after all. Toodles, everyone and praise God for all His goodness. Don't know if I can ever thank Him enough; it'll take forever and a day, no lie.



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