Television Makeup Commercial (Advert) with Illuminati Symbolism...

Since noticing Illuminati symbolism in some commercials advertising makeup of popular brand-names [like Maybelline, Almay, Rimmel (London), Cover Girl, Revlon, L'Oréal, etc.] along with (popular) celebrities -- whether models, singers, sports figures, actors/actresses {but especially supermodels} -- to improve the marketing, promotion, distribution, take-off & sales of their cosmetics brand. It also shows me that the elite is [apparently] behind the success(es) of these products.

I decided to post a series of entries here about it since no one [I know of) has yet. It proves (in a way) that the Illuminati (or whatever 'they' are called) are mocking us by adding subliminal (yet blatant in-between-the-lines) messages practically everywhere these days, and those [namely, the dumbed-down, desensitized, anesthetized masses] who aren't informed about what they're up to... well it's right under their noses the whole time without them even KNOWING it!

Okay, on to the above commercial [which stars Adrianna Limá -- the girl you see in the screencap of the above video -- a (Brasíliera) Brazilian model who's also a model for Victoria's Secret.

I don't know Adrianna "like that" or anything, but what I DO know is that she has some pretty vile sex tapes that have somehow leaked online, and I don't know if most people [who know OF her] know, either. As far as I'm concerned this same (said) model a REALLY big hypocrite & liar b/c she said she'd wait 'til she was married to have sex, but it doesn't look that way to me, based on what I already know about her].

Just goes to show that getting involved in the Illuminati/global elite-run showbiz, entertainment industry (or whatever) WILL corrupt your morals, I don't care WHO you are; I've seen it TOO many times (for myself) to be convinced otherwise. The simple fact is that you'll have to sell out (and sell yourself down the river, and that many times includes your body, too!) in one way or another in order to make it & be a big success in the way of fame, fortune & money in this temporal, superficial world of course, and that's just the way it is, no matter WHAT anyone else says or thinks.

Anyway, I don't really see much here [I found this commercial on a whim over on YouTube to start this observation out with] except @ 0:24 wherein the black model [w/ the REALLY long ET-like fingers, haha] does the "666" thing over the second zero of the '100%'. {The last I checked the number "666" is a significant number concerning the Antichrist, the Mark of the Beast, and the New World Order (NWO)}. Maybe I'm makin' a mountain out of a molehill, but it also looks as if she's slightly emphasising/emphasizing one eye more than the other, so that's two symbols in one, lol.

But (in the above commercial) I see quite a few All-Seeing Eye(s) [of Horus] camera angles where you can see either one side of the face -- and therefore only one eye -- or just more of one side of the face.

Wake up, SHEEPLE! The NWO/Totalitarian Government/Police State is upon us, and it's gaining more momentum/getting stronger gradually!

I also wanna make a point that I condemn NO one, for NONE of us are perfect, not ONE, so I don't believe in being judgemental, or judging something based on what you DON'T know; but on the OTHER hand, there's absolutely NOTHING wrong with fruit-inspecting (so to speak figuratively), b/c you're doing that based on what you ALREADY know, and there's a difference between the two. Therefore I have no qualms with exposing something for what it is.

Even so, PLEASE come soon, Jesus; looks like this thing [today's troubled, sin-cursed world as we know it] is wrapping up, and time is winding up as well.




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