Jennifer Hudson's Weight Watchers Points Plus Commercial(s)... Along w/ a little Illuminati Symbolism

For anyone who sees this... I'll be modifying this post from time to time as I go along, though. Apologies for the inconvenience. :)




This someone's comment from regarding video #3:

So much hidden symbolism in this ad....

1. She does the "As Above, So Below" pose in the beginning.

2. "Sun in the sky, you know how I feel." Speaking of her devotion to lucifer. Illuminati are "sun" worshipers.

3. The sun "rises" behind her at :10. She's "illuminated" out of darkness. Transition from black to white..masonic duality.

4. "And this whole a NEW WORLD...for me."

5. 0:23 "It's a NEW day" The "A" in day making a pyramid with a capstone.

Yeah, I'd say she's IN.

I couldn't help but comment to this person's comment under one of J.Hud's commercials [over on YouTube] in addition to giving it a thumbs up... and also copying/pasting it here because I found it so interesting and profound, lol. :D I didn't notice a few of the signs (and how the song's lyrics myself {"I'm Feeling Good", originally by Nina Simone} were ever-so-cleverly hewn into this commercial and along w/ its subliminal symbolism, too). But like I said in my first post I'm learnin' this thing more and more by and by although I consider myself trained [and fine-tuned] pretty nicely in picking up on things like this.


I've been trying to find that other commercial [the latest one that airs regularly currently] that's similar to the above ones also starring Jennifer Hudson (or J.Hud, as I like to call her for short) -- where there's also an attractive blonde white lady in a black pantsuit against a white backdrop testifying about her weight loss about how it positively impacted her life -- on YouTube, but haven't really had any luck. But I'll try to find it later, though. I noticed -- in that commercial as well -- that the young lady in the (black) pantsuit against the white background -- represents (if you're already familiar w/ Illuminati/Freemasonry/Occultic/Luciferic symbolism) split/dual personalities [when it comes to MK (Mind Control)] and the black & white Masonic checkerboard. To make a long story short... well, anyone with common HORSE sence/sense knows full well what the colors/colours black and white stand for respectively, Lol.

But I just wanted to comment that those Weight Watchers weight loss commercials are chock-full of Illuminati/Freemasonry symbolism. It's gotten so... and if you watch television -- that there's not a SINGLE day that goes by where I DON'T see any Illuminati/Freemasonry/Occultic/Luciferian/MK (Mind Control)/New World Order (NWO) symbolism, themes, ideas, images, etc. But [and since I can't stress this enough] the average person isn't aware of this, but for anyone who is, however, they'll recognise/recognize these (signs) and see them for what they are/is. So in closing, I'd like to say...

Wake up, SHEEPLE; The NEW WORLD ORDER is upon us!

P.S.- I'd also like to add that since this is a long story... well, I'll have to do more of my commentary on Ms. J.Hud later on.


  1. This is a great observation! I just noticed this because you posted this. It shows that they are constantly putting it in our faces and satan is revealing more of himself in the last days! WOW!!!

  2. You look familiar... I'm guessing you're from DirtyGurl's blog over @

    Anyway, thanx for takin' the time to respond to [2 so far] my posts over here; I appreciate it. Excuse the typos... and taking a bit to respond. I'll correct them when I create another blog over @ the WordPress server.

    And yes, I must agree that the Devil/Satan/Lucifer is currently runnin' things... I mean by the amount of influence he has over the world's affairs, I mean. We both know that God Almighty has all the power and has the LAST say, although it doesn't look that way to (natural) eyes at times. It's good to know that SOMEBODY besides me knows that Satan [and his demons, or fallen angels] exist; there's NO way we can make sense of what's going on in today's world [whether past, present &/or future] unless you acknowledge that the Devil [and his workers] exist and how they factor in the happenings of this world, bad ones, specifically.

    Good looking out. Hope you enjoy the other [topics] I post up here in the future.



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