Blog Transfer Notice

I am announcing (to anyone that comes across here) that I'm transferring this blog to another server, which is over at The Blogger server has changed so much since I first started a year ago, and it's gotten to the point where it's not as user-friendly as it was in the beginning, and this mainly pertains to the posting format. It just goes to show that newer IS NOT always better. In recent years when people upgrade things they always do more harm than good, unfortunately. Like the old adage goes, "If it ain't broke, then don't fix it", and there's a LOT of truth that. It's just further proof that we're living in the last days and people just do this mess for a couple of main reasons:

-Insanity. People like this know not what they do and just CAN'T see the forest for the trees [insanity seems on a pretty dramatic increase the closer we get to the Rapture of the Bride of Jesus Christ]. There's honestly not enough room in the mental institution (and other names that an insane asylum is called, but I don't care to go there now).

-Avarice/greed/covetousness/love of money. Many times when people change things for the worst it's because they think it's either gonna MAKE or SAVE them more money.

Anyway, the link to my new blog:


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