Which Road Shall I Take?

Did you know that life is like a journey? This journey of life has two roads and two places to go. The choice and decision of which road to take is up to you.

When a baby is born into a home, this baby starts on this journey of life. God -- who lives in Heaven -- has prepared a special road for young children. This road is the road of innocence, of growing up. On this road mothers and fathers are the guides, teaching children about life.

As a child, you walk for a while on this road of innocence, but then you come to a crossroad. The road of childhood and innocence ends, and you meet two distinct roads. Until then, parents have been your guide and have largely made your decisions. As you come to these crossroads, the decision is now up to you. Which road shall I take? This decision is very important, the most important decision in life. It is important because the one road means a good, clean life, filled with happiness, and that leads to Heaven; but the other road is filled with sadness, a sinful and wicked way, that leads to hell.

How do I or how will I know when I come to these roads? There is no set/fixed rule or age; everyone is different. Some children on the childhood journey reach the crossroads earlier in life than others do. Perhaps the crossroads are not reached until the person is exposed to the Gospel or made aware of a better way. Perhaps to many it's the pounding of the heart, a heavy feeling of weight during a Gospel service. It may be a new awareness of right and wrong or a gentle tug to follow the Lord. These are (usual) indications of the road. In all circumstances, our God is a loving God, and He makes know the two ways. He shows the narrow road in a perfect way to every country and culture.

As you stand at the crossroads, what do you see? Take a good look at the two roads. At first glance the roads both look inviting. As you observe more closely, you will see that one road is wide and seemingly smooth and easy to travel. The other road is narrow and in places rough and hilly. The wide road has many, many people walking on it. The narrow road has only a few. Choosing the right road is so very important!

Are you confused and not sure about which road to take? As you step a bit closer to the wide, well-traveled road, you hear the guide -- the master of the road -- asking you to follow him. At first glance, the road does resemble the narrow road. People beginning on this road have good intentions. Many are able to refrain from the pitfalls of this way for a time. The guide's story sounds good and very enticing, although a bit artificial. Along his road he offers many friends, but no one seems to be really happy. The entertainments and pleasures along this road are limitless. There is drinking, smoking, dancing, parties, and many other types of amusements. Morals, values, principles, and good standards suffer greatly. Lying, stealing, cheating, and gossip are common practices. You can just pick your lifestyle on this road. If you like, you can indulge or refrain. They call it freedom, when it is really bondage... bondage to sin. But this road takes you so fast and smoothly that you are hardly aware of the time running out for you. Many people are so overcome by so many deep troubles that they see no way out. Despair, drugs, alcohol, murder and suicide are the result.

Is this what you want in life? Is this the road you want to travel? Did you notice the guide on this road never mentioned the final reward of traveling his road? He wouldn't dare... he would betray hisself. He is a wolf in sheep's clothing, Satan/the Devil hisself. His reward for walking the broad road is hell, the Lake of Fire that is never goes out. This place was created for the Devil and his angels. There will be weeping, wailing, and gnashing of teeth forever and ever and ever. How about you? Are you going to walk with him and have his reward?

Take a closer look at the narrow road. This road is really very different from the wide one. It's a steep road and at places has hills and valleys. There is some sun and heat, but if you stay on the path you will come to refreshing, cook streams. Here you can rest and take a nice, cook drink. Here you can let those rippling waters soothe those tired feet, weary from traveling. Refreshed, you continue your journey. There are mountains to climb, and sometimes the path seems nearly obscure and hard to travel. As you go on, you will come to the mountaintop and then on to the valleys fresh and green. The friends on the narrow road are all fellow Christians. They are like your brothers and sisters. They love and care for you. When you would trip, stumble and fall on the pathway, they help you to your feet again. They are understanding and kind. But most of all, you have your Guide as a very personal Friend. He is the Lord, the kind Shepherd. (Psalm 23) He loves you so much that He walks right beside you on the narrow road. When the path seems dark and hard, He takes hold of your hands and leads you through until you can see more clearly. Sometimes when the traveler gets weak and the path so dangerous, the Shepherd just takes you in His arms and carries you. Soon you have the strength to walk again. This is the way you travel on the narrow way.

These two roads -- the wide one and the narrow one -- both come to a close at the end of life. At the end of these roads we must face death... physical death. Death is sometimes referred to as crossing a river. All must eventually cross over. Then comes judgment, where God Hisself will judge which road we traveled. (Hebrews 9:27).

Those many people traveling the wide road with Satan/the Devil at their guide will find this river very fearful. Why? They have on one with whom to cross the river. Their friends are afraid of death, and they must cross alone. There, they will wake up to the reality of Hell, the everlasting pit of fire that will never be quenched!

As a traveler on the narrow road, you look forward to crossing the river, for just beyond it is your (eternal) reward! It's a beautiful, joyous, peaceful time, for the kind Shepherd to guide you right through the swelling River of Death. Then home! Home to Heaven, that beautiful place where the streets are paved with purest gold and angels singing so very beautifully... no words can describe it. No more hills and mountains to climb, no more valleys to pass through, just peace, quietness, serenity, and happiness forever and ever and ever. And the Lord your Guide is living there with you. "And God shall wipe way all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away" (Revelation 21:4).

Which road are you going to choose? What is your answer? Remember your choice is very important. It means either heaven ore hell for you. Choose the narrow road, and aske the Lord to help you along the way. "Enter ye in the strait gate, for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth unto destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because straight is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it" (Matthew 7:13,14).

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Moundridge, Kansas 67107 U.S.A.


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