Personal Commentary from PROFANITY: Swearing, Jesting and Joking

The previous [gospel] tract was published -- like the many I plan on posting here -- by the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Here's the address for anyone interested in getting some:

P.O. Box 700
Moundridge, Kansas 67107 (U.S.A)

Anyway, the (tract) the main reason I'd posted this tract (in the previous post) is that it reflects a common problem in today's society. Of course people have ALWAYS used bad language [in addition to telling dirty jokes], but today it's worse than ever, to be honest. There was a time when there were little to no (curse/cuss) words in music; but today the amount of songs & music that contains OVP [obscene/vulgar/profane] language are a penny a dozen. Moreover you find lots of foul language & foolish, vapid, insipid conversation everywhere else in the mass media, including television, movies, radio, newspapers (possibly), literature (of all kinds), magazines, & the Internet. Going out in a public place and (frequently) overhearing coarse language being used by the total strangers I pass by reflects how much influence the (mass) media has on the general public, in addition to how much times have changed and how much people's morals, thoughts, words [from their mouths] and deeds have regressed.

People don't even care anymore who they offend and disrespect [about them] by using filthy language, including the preacher and children, who are very impressionable and will follow the example set by whomever surrounds them. There was a time when people -- even the rankest sinners -- would have been more considerate of the things they said in public. But thanks in part to the mass media -- which people have gotten suckered into the so-called glitz & glamour of Hollywood [and the nasty, rotten sewage they've spewed out to the rest of the world] people's morals, values and principles have been tossed carelessly [and casually] aside. But it sure is a wonderful thing that the Lord is longsuffering.

So-called 'reality' -- and I'd like to use that term very lightly, in lieu of the countless reality shows that have come (and gone) over the years -- television has pretty much ruled the airwaves since 2000-2001, a little more than a decade now. Many of them also display animalistic decadence, shallow superficiality, bad attitudes, arrogance, sinful pride, stubborness, very unladylike behaviour, materialistic, etc. and portrays this a the stylish and cute thing to do, and 'everyone else' does it, so why not? But[unfortunately] ever since that reality show The Osbournes made its debut back in the spring of 2002 this business of polluting the air chock full of cuss words has been the 'hip, cool' thing to do ever since, w/ so-called wholesome singer/actress [and whore] Mandy Moore following in their footsteps by using rather blue, unwholesome language [she didn't really do that until that 'Osbournes' show came along, which she loved].

Whichever reality show is on today every other word that's used up there is some famewhore/money/fortune/power-hungry/celebrity-wannabe BUM cussing, swearing and taking God's holy name in vain. What a day we're living in, when folks [of all races, sizes, shapes, looks, religions, and walks of life] are putting their evil, wicked filth on display for the whole world to look upon, and it's only gonna get gradually WORSE as time goes on. It's a very sore evil, and without a doubt the Lord's angry about it. This is a SUREFIRE sign that the Rapture of the Bride of Christ is indeed at hand... and that judgement is coming to this world, especially America. I just hope and pray that I am NOT here when God pours out His merciless wrath (plagues) out on the world for rejecting Him, His Word, His laws and way of life, on top of mocking/making fun/deriding/ridiculing it AND Him. It won't be long, now... it CAN'T be long. When will it happen, no man knows [including myself, lol], except the Lord Hisself.

Even so, come Lord Jesus.


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PROFANITY: Swearing, Jesting and Joking