An Introductory Post...

Hi, folks.

After suffering some setbacks (partially concerning my computer) I've finally got to create this blog, which is one of the biggest things I've done... I think, b/c it's gonna take a lot to keep it up, so that's no boastful statement by any means, LOL. I had no other choice but to (recently) get a Google e-mail account because 1) it's now crucial to log into my YouTube account and 2) it was required to create this blog; therefore I have no regrets about it after much debate as to make one or not. I have enough e-mail addresses as it is, 7 other than this one, 3 with Yahoo! and 4 with AOL. I now have my first [and only] one with Google.

Anyway, based on the info I've gathered [for as long as I can remember] on the Illuminati, Freemasonry, Mind Control (or MK-Ultra, MK-Delta or MK-Naomi), the New World Order (NWO), [Totalitarian] Police State, Feminism, the occult and the subliminal (yet blatant in between the lines) messages that surround us constantly (via the mass media in general) concerning the aforementioned. They have been for a long time [and they control entities like our government, politicians stock market, news media, entertainment industry in general, etc.], but now it's happening more than ever. I don't claim be be an expert on the above, but I do, however know just enough to express how it's affecting society as a whole and will ultimately influence a vast majority to accept the Antichrist, the NWO and the Mark of the Beast.

I also believe the Bible (the Word of God) has something to say about this, also; and before anyone thinks I'm giving the Illuminati (or Freemasons, or whatever) too much credit I strongly believe what God [through infallible His Word] has to say about it is a LOT more important that what anybody else says about it, take it or leave it. Since I'm not the most eloquent in describing things [although I'm pretty articulate paradoxically], I'll have to cross/back/hotlink to other sites with articles that'll explain it better. I may even cut/copy/paste them here (the c/c/p feature has saved me much time, so thank heavens I've discovered it), then give the link to the source.

If this blog is a little slow getting off the ground, then it's b/c I'm still getting things configured with my Facebook and Twitter [and possibly my YouTube one, which I'm on every other day, and I'm still doing modifications on my account there] account(s) so that anyone who displays any interest (in this blog) can follow me there, also.

I have a lot more to say, but I'll digress for now. ;D


Aliccia H.


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