
Showing posts from March, 2011

Jennifer Hudson's Weight Watchers Points Plus Commercial(s)... Along w/ a little Illuminati Symbolism

For anyone who sees this... I'll be modifying this post from time to time as I go along, though. Apologies for the inconvenience. :) 1) 2) 3) This someone's comment from regarding video #3: So much hidden symbolism in this ad.... 1. She does the "As Above, So Below" pose in the beginning. 2. "Sun in the sky, you know how I feel." Speaking of her devotion to lucifer. Illuminati are "sun" worshipers. 3. The sun "rises" behind her at :10. She's "illuminated" out of darkness. Transition from black to white..masonic duality. 4. "And this whole a NEW WORLD...for me." 5. 0:23 "It's a NEW day" The "A" in day making a pyramid with a capstone. Yeah, I'd say she's IN. I couldn't help but comment to this person's comment under one of J.Hud's commercials [over on YouTube] in addition to giving it a thumbs up... and also copying/pasting...

Television Makeup Commercial (Advert) with Illuminati Symbolism...

Since noticing Illuminati symbolism in some commercials advertising makeup of popular brand-names [like Maybelline, Almay, Rimmel (London), Cover Girl, Revlon, L'Oréal, etc.] along with (popular) celebrities -- whether models, singers, sports figures, actors/actresses {but especially supermodels} -- to improve the marketing, promotion, distribution, take-off & sales of their cosmetics brand. It also shows me that the elite is [apparently] behind the success(es) of these products. I decided to post a series of entries here about it since no one [I know of) has yet. It proves (in a way) that the Illuminati (or whatever 'they' are called) are mocking us by adding subliminal (yet blatant in-between-the-lines) messages practically everywhere  these days, and those [namely, the dumbed-down, desensitized, anesthetized masses] who aren't informed about what they're up to... well it's right under their noses the whole time without them even KNOWING it! Okay, on...

An Introductory Post...

Hi, folks. After suffering some setbacks (partially concerning my computer) I've finally got to create this blog, which is one of the biggest things I've done... I think , b/c it's gonna take a lot to keep it up, so that's no boastful statement by any means, LOL. I had no other choice but to (recently) get a Google e-mail account because 1) it's now crucial to log into my YouTube account and 2) it was required to create this blog; therefore I have no regrets about it after much debate as to make one or not. I have enough e-mail addresses as it is, 7 other than this one, 3 with Yahoo! and 4 with AOL. I now have my first [and only] one with Google. Anyway, based on the info I've gathered [for as long as I can remember] on the Illuminati, Freemasonry, Mind Control (or MK-Ultra, MK-Delta or MK-Naomi), the New World Order (NWO), [Totalitarian] Police State, Feminism, the occult and the subliminal (yet blatant in between the lines) messages that surround us cons...