Women See Male Leadership as Love

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.
(From May 10, 2008)

If a man cannot perform in bed, he is called "impotent". The woman feels unloved and unwanted. However, outside the bedroom, if a man doesn't demonstrate his power, he is considered "enlightened" and "progressive".

But somewhere in their subconscious, women still feel let down. For centuries, women (and children) have relied on men to help define their lives. Men are failing their families when they buy into egalitarian feminist shibboleths and try to be "nice guys".

Marriage is the exchange of female power for male power expressed as love. Women crave male power because in their minds, it is love.

When a man fails to lead his family and allows them to manipulate him, the women (and children) feel unloved and consequently have less respect and love for him.

The old proverb, "Spare the rod, spoil the child" (definitely) applies herein. Women and children feel most secure when husband/father asserts his just control. It means he loves them. Failure to take charge is interpreted as neglect.

Thus, a man must claim power at the outset, and never let it slip from his grasp. He will be tested. But if I am right, women are testing his love.

This is what women really want: to be consulted yes, but to (also) surrender to the one man worthy of their sacrifice.


Thus the Lucifer-loving central bankers have used feminism, the mass media and the courts to banish love by undermining male (masculine) power and authority (or patriarchy). They have brainwashed generations of men and women to think of themselves as equal and identical. But this is not the case because men and women not only LOOK different, but God designed their [men and women] minds and personalities to be a certain way -- and different, that is, so as a result God gave men and women different roles in the home [marriage & parenthood] and out there in the world.

But the goal [for the Lucifer-loving central bankers] is to destroy the family, which obstructs their plan to enslave humanity, mentally and spiritually if not physically. (They must do this to protect their untenable monopoly on credit and ensure we repay money they created out of nothing.)

Gender, love and indeed sex are largely about power. Men want to possess a woman. Women want to be possessed. But when you equalize power, you neuter both sexes (unfortunately). Men no longer assert their power; women no longer cultivate their charms. The active-passive; yin-yang mainspring of the universe is neutralized. All that is left is sex in an alcoholic stupor.

A recent study showed that a third of young men and a quarter of young women in Europe use alcohol and drugs to have promiscuous sex, many before the age of 16, resulting in unwanted pregnancies and STD's.

In the UK, arrests of young women for being drunk and disorderly have shot up %50. The crime rate is up 25% in the last three years alone.

Women are being left high and dry (or drunk) as men bail on the concept of marriage (and parenthood) altogether.

Female sex appeal is a function of their fertility. (The Bible says that the world was populated by sexual desire.) It will quickly fade, and they will finally realize that a sinister power has subverted our culture and betrayed them [and that they fell for Satan/the Devil's lies]. They need to form families when they are young and desirable to men or risk being alone for the rest of their lives.

Young men must again think of themselves primarily as family leaders and builders, and look for a good woman to be wife and mother of their children. They must quickly weed out the damaged women, or find one that is still salvageable. They must test her over time to make sure she is devoted and not only willing but happy to accept their leadership. If she has another big priority, move on.

Men, confine yourself to women who look up to you. If you're looking up to her [hence 'goddess' worship], the relationship is doomed.


By "empowering" women, society is essentially outfitting them with penises. These women have been conditioned to distrust and constantly challenge any man. I have heard stories where husbands and wives fight over the direction they will take on a Sunday afternoon walk.

When my wife and I walk the dog, I decide where we will go. When my wife wants to go in another direction, she will tell me, and usually I will consent to make her happy. She gives me the power; I use it to make her happy, but within my limits.

Many men leave their families because they feel they are "married to Mommy" (while being treated like a child) and constantly "walking on eggshells". In practice "equality" for the feminist usually means she's in charge and her husband is her puppet who must love her as she sees fit. "Equality" means at best she will castrate him, at worst, abuse him.

There are many exceptions to this rule I imagine: couples who think alike and have great "equal" marriages. I haven't met any but I'd like to hear about them.

In a marriage, I believe a woman must chose between power and love. She cannot have both. The role of a wife is to empower her husband so he can love her better as he sees fit. Of course it all depends on a woman finding a man she can trust wholeheartedly.

We must get over the notion that we'll be loved for our looks or personality or talent. These contribute but ultimately men love women who look after them, and vice-versa.

In our intimate relations, men need to project power plain and simple. First men must gain self confidence by realizing personal goals and earning recognition and reward.

Sexual desire makes men overestimate women. We must take sex and beautiful women off the pedestal. Our cultural values were/are created by a sick satanic sex cult, cabalistic Freemasonry, which thinks sex is the Holy Grail.


Masculinity is defined by power. Men must assert their personal vision and responsible leadership in spite of constant sabotage by the mass media and government. Otherwise women and children will feel betrayed and unloved, become more unmanageable, and trigger family breakdown.

In reality men and women were designed to complement, love and need each other. Gender wars were created by the same people who created all wars, the cabalistic central bankers who have been waging a secret satanically-inspired feud against humanity for centuries -- to divide, degrade, demoralize and ultimately to conquer and enslave us.

SOURCE, http://www.henrymakow.com/women_interpret_male_power_in.html


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