
Showing posts from September, 2011

Jesus Christ Is Coming Again

The Lord Jesus came to earth to save man from his sins. He came in humility, in the likeness of man, and took upon him the form of a servant [Philippians 2:7] . He died for the sins of many, was buried, then rose again [1 Corinthians 15:4] , and ascended into heaven [Acts 1:9] . He was seen by the apostles and more than five hundred believers after the resurrection. After He ascended to heaven, two angels said to the disciples that His return would be like His ascension. Only God knows when the Lord will return. It may be in the evening, or at midnight, or in the morning, and at noon [Mark 13:35] . "Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh" [Matthew 24:44] . Some have predicted the time of His return, even to the day and hour. "But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only" [Matthew 24:36] . He will come unexpectedly as a thief in the night [2 Peter 3:10] . "For as a sn...

Personal Commentary from PROFANITY: Swearing, Jesting and Joking

The previous [gospel] tract was published -- like the many I plan on posting here -- by the Church of God in Christ, Mennonite. Here's the address for anyone interested in getting some: GOSPEL TRACT AND BIBLE SOCIETY P.O. Box 700 Moundridge, Kansas 67107 (U.S.A) Anyway, the (tract) the main reason I'd posted this tract (in the previous post) is that it reflects a common problem in today's society. Of course people have ALWAYS used bad language [in addition to telling dirty jokes], but today it's worse than ever , to be honest. There was a time when there were little to no (curse/cuss) words in music; but today the amount of songs & music that contains OVP [obscene/vulgar/profane] language are a penny a dozen. Moreover you find lots of foul language & foolish, vapid, insipid conversation everywhere else in the mass media, including television, movies, radio, newspapers (possibly), literature (of all kinds), magazines, & the Internet. Going out in a publ...

PROFANITY: Swearing, Jesting and Joking

The Bible says: "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good: and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh" [Luke 6:45] . The use of profane world is indeed very prevelant in many places and is looked upon as being up-to-date & modern in many present-day societies where the most important thing -- salvation -- is often neglected. Webster (and his dictionary) associates profanity with: Not sacred or holy, irreverent toward God and man, contempt for holy things, blasphemy and serving to defile that which is holy. Also, as not possessing expert knowledge. Generally it is not understood what a person does when using profane language. This is especially true of children. Can anyone realise/realize the doom that he [or she] pronounces on a soul -- the real you -- that never dies, but lives on in eternity? In James 3:6 we read: "And...